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Tuesday, October 28, 2003
Can we let the grownups run the country again?

This, from Ankara (all emphasis mine):

Turkey slams US "ineptitude" in request for troops to Iraq (Yahoo news):
Foreign Minister Abdullah Gul charged that the United States had been inept in handling a request for Turkish troops to be sent to neighbouring Iraq to help its forces there, Anatolia news agency reported.

"Of course, there is ineptitude here. First they came, very enthusiastic, and said 'please do not be late' and then they saw that there are many different issues. They have many hesitations themselves," Gul was quoted as telling reporters.
"The Americans do not know the region very well. They did not pay much attention to the advice given to them. If the officials who are currently administering Iraq had known the region better, things would be better today," Gul said.

You know, I really want to be proud of my country, but sometimes it's awfully hard.

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