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Tuesday, October 14, 2003
Complete. Utter. Incompetence.
Can we just do away with the preposterous notion that this administration is competent at anything? It looks like we underestimated the amount of conventional weapons lying around as badly as we overestimated the amount of WMD.
: "The two most recent suicide bombings here and virtually every other attack on American soldiers and Iraqis were carried out with explosives and matériel taken from Saddam Hussein's former weapons dumps, which are much larger than previously estimated and remain, for the most part, unguarded by U.S. troops, according to allied officials.

The problem of uncounted and unguarded weapons sites is considerably greater than has previously been stated, a senior allied official said.

The U.S. military now says that Iraq's army had nearly a million tons of weapons and ammunition, as opposed to the as much as 650,000 tons that General John Abizaid, the senior American commander in the Gulf region, estimated only two weeks ago."

What I want to know is, is our intelligence really this bad, or was it ignored? If the former, I want heads to roll in the intelligence community. If the latter, I want the policymakers who advised Bush gone. A "PR offensive" is not an appropriate response in either case.
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